Documenting the code is an essential part of any software development project. It helps developers understand, maintain and improve the code, as well as communicate with other developers and users. However, creating and updating coding documentation can be a tedious and time-consuming task, especially for complex and large-scale projects. That’s why many developers often neglect or avoid it, resulting in poor quality, outdated, or missing documentation. This is particularly prevalent with development teams working to tight deadlines, the documentation is often minimal or left behind completely.

But what if there was a way to create code documentation faster, easier, and better, without sacrificing precious time and energy? What if you could use the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to generate documentation for your code. How would that benefit you and your project?

In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of documenting code using AI, such as saving time and money, improving accuracy, and enhancing readability. We’ll also introduce you to Inviga, a leading company that offers AI-powered coding documentation services and show you how they can help you create amazing documentation for your code in minutes.

What is Code Documentation?

Code documentation is any written or visual information that describes, explains, or illustrates the code, its functionality, structure, design, or usage. Coding documentation can take various forms, such as:

  • Comments: These are short notes or annotations that are embedded in the code, usually preceded by a special symbol or keyword, such as ///, #, or /*. Comments are used to explain the purpose, logic, or meaning of a specific line or block of code, or to provide additional information or instructions for the developers or users.
  • Summaries: These are brief descriptions or overviews of the code, its components, or its features, usually placed at the beginning or end of a file, module, class, function, or method. Summaries are used to provide a high-level understanding of what the code does, how it works, or what it expects or returns.
  • Diagrams: These are graphical representations or visualisations of the code, its architecture, or its flow, usually drawn using shapes, symbols, lines, or colours. Diagrams are used to show the structure, relationships, or interactions of the code, its elements, or its processes, or to illustrate the logic, sequence, or steps of the code, its algorithms, or its functions.
  • Tutorials: These are step-by-step guides or instructions that teach or demonstrate how to use, install, configure, or modify the code, its features, or its outputs, usually accompanied by examples, screenshots, or videos. Tutorials are used to help the users, customers, or clients learn how to use the code, its products, or its services, or to solve a specific problem or achieve a specific goal.

Visual Studio’s IntelliSense: Visual Studio’s IntelliSense feature streamlines coding and documentation by auto-completing code and displaying function signatures, parameter info, and quick info about symbols. This reduces errors and saves time, making code more accessible and understandable, especially for new developers. integration with AI greatly improves this functionality, automatically creating links back to relevant Microsoft documentation and expanding the code descriptions making it easier for developers to interpret.

Coding documentation can be created for different purposes, audiences, or levels of detail, such as:

  • Internal documentation: This is documentation that is intended for the developers or the team members who are working on the code, or who will work on the code in the future. Internal documentation is used to help the developers understand, maintain, and improve the code, as well as collaborate and communicate with each other. Internal documentation is usually more technical, detailed, and specific, and it may use jargon, acronyms, or abbreviations that are familiar to the developers.
  • External documentation: This is documentation that is intended for the users, customers, or clients who are using the coded solution. External documentation is used to help the users, customers, or clients to understand and learn how to use the coded solution, or to provide them with information, support, or feedback. External documentation is usually more general, concise, and clear, and it may use simple, plain, or friendly language that is easy to understand and follow.

Why is Code Documentation Important?

Coding documentation is important for many reasons, such as:

  • It improves the quality and performance of the code: Coding documentation helps the developers to write better code, by providing them with guidance, clarity, and consistency. It also helps the developers to debug, test, and optimise the code, by making it easier to identify, locate, and fix errors, bugs, or issues. It can assist developers to enhance the code, by making it easier to add, modify, or remove features, functions, or components.
  • It saves time and money: Coding documentation helps save time and money, by reducing the need for rework, duplication, or trial and error. It also assists developers by facilitating the reuse, sharing, or integration of the code, its components, or its outputs. New developers can quickly understand what the code does so speeds up the time for them to become productive.
  • It increases the satisfaction and loyalty of the users, customers, or clients: Coding documentation helps the users and clients to understand what has been built by the development team and helps to developer trust with the developers and the company delivering the solution.

What are the Challenges of Creating Code Documentation?

Documenting code can be challenging for many reasons, such as:

  • It can be time-consuming and tedious: Creating code documentation can take a lot of time and effort, especially for complex and large-scale projects and is typically a boring and repetitive task that developers do not enjoy and detracts them from doing more creative or high value tasks.
  • It can be difficult and complicated: Creating coding documentation can require a lot of skills and knowledge, especially for technical and detailed topics. It can also require a lot of tools and resources, especially for graphical and visual topics.
  • It can be dynamic and evolving: Creating coding documentation can be affected by a lot of changes and updates, especially for fast and agile projects where it is influenced by a lot of feedback and new feature requests. Automating the creation of documentation when the code is released to the Production environment is therefore highly advantageous.

How Can AI Help with Code Documentation?

AI can help with coding documentation in many ways, such as:

  • It can generate coding documentation automatically: AI can use natural language processing (NLP) and natural language generation (NLG) to analyse, understand, and produce coding documentation from the code, its inputs, or its outputs. AI can also use computer vision and image processing to create, edit, and format images and diagrams for coding documentation and use machine learning to learn from existing coding documentation to improve its quality and performance over time.
  • It can customise coding documentation according to the purpose, audience, or level of detail: AI can use natural language understanding (NLU) and natural language generation (NLG) to adapt, modify, or personalise coding documentation according to the specific needs, preferences, or expectations of the developers, the users or the clients. AI can also translate, localise, or simplify coding documentation according to the different languages, cultures, or contexts of the readers and use machine learning to learn from the feedback and requests of the readers and improve its relevance and usefulness over time.
  • It can update coding documentation automatically and continuously: If AI is built into the code release pipelines it can monitor, track, and detect any changes or updates in the code and reflect them in the coding documentation, improving its accuracy and consistency over time. AI can also use computer vision and image processing to update, edit, and format images and diagrams for coding documentation.
  • It can develop Test Plans: AI can be used to read and interpret the business requirements and develop test plans. These test plans can be used by the developer to conduct unit tests of the components they have developed before they are handed over to the Testing team. This improves throughput and accuracy of the code developed.

What are the Benefits of using AI to document code?

Coding documentation created by AI can offer many benefits, such as:

  • It saves time and effort: Coding documentation created by AI can reduce the amount of time and effort that the developers need to spend on creating and updating coding documentation, by automating and simplifying the process. This can free up the developers’ time and energy for more creative, productive, or enjoyable tasks, such as coding, testing, or innovating, increasing the developers’ efficiency, productivity, and satisfaction, as well as the quality and performance of the code.
  • It improves accuracy and readability: Coding documentation created by AI can improve the accuracy and readability of the coding documentation by analysing and producing clear, concise, and correct coding documentation. This can help the developers, the users, the customers, or the clients to understand, use, and benefit from the code without confusion, errors, or misunderstandings. This can also increase the trust, confidence, and loyalty of the readers, as well as the reputation and value of the code and development team.

How to Get Started with Coding Documentation Created by AI?

If you are interested in getting started with using AI to document your code, you might be wondering how to do it. Well, you don’t have to worry, because we have the perfect solution for you: Inviga.

Inviga is a software development company that offers AI-powered coding documentation services, that can help you create amazing documentation for your code in minutes. Inviga uses state-of-the-art AI technologies, such as natural language processing (NLP), natural language generation (NLG), computer vision, and image processing, to analyse, understand, and produce coding documentation from your code, its inputs, or its outputs.

Inviga can generate coding documentation for various types of code, such as Python, Java, C#, JavaScript, and more. Inviga can also generate coding documentation for various forms of documentation, such as comments, summaries, diagrams, tutorials, and for a variety of purposes or audiences.

Inviga can also customise, update, and improve your coding documentation according to your specific needs, preferences, or expectations. Inviga can also provide you with feedback, suggestions, or recommendations on how to improve your coding documentation further.

Inviga is the ultimate solution for creating coding documentation with AI. With Inviga, you can enjoy the benefits of coding documentation created by AI, such as saving time, improving accuracy, and enhancing creativity. You can also impress your readers with your coding documentation and grow your business with your code.


Coding documentation is an essential part of any software development project, but it can also be challenging to create and maintain. That’s why using AI to create coding documentation can be a great idea, as it can help you save time, improve accuracy, and enhance creativity.

In this blog post, we’ve explored the benefits of coding documentation created by AI, highlighting the advantages of using AI to generate documentation for your code, such as saving time, improving accuracy, and enhancing readability. We’ve also introduced you to Inviga, a leading company that offers AI-powered coding documentation services and showed you how they can help you create amazing documentation for your code in minutes.

If you’re interested in getting started with coding documentation created by AI, you can visit Inviga’s website at and sign up for a free trial. You can also contact them at or +61 7 3062 9466 if you have any questions or inquiries.